Sunday, March 14, 2010

How to to well in college

College life can be very tough for students. To be successful in life, one needs to balance school, social life and a job. The following steps are a list of the most important points of "How to do well in college". First, Students have to be diligent to do their homework. This will help students to understand the material better. Second, students need to attend school regularly because the instructor gives a lot of important information in the class lecture. Next, Students have to schedule their time to ensure that they are properly prepared for their classes as well as their tests/ exams. Finally, the student needs to have a social life in order to forget about the stress of school, a student should not work too much, and a student must take care of their body ensuring they get plenty of exercise and rest. From my experience, if students follow these guidelines above, they will be successful in college.


  1. Yes, I agree with you. I know you always study hard and work hard. Because of your plan, you'll be a success woman. I hope so!

  2. I agree with you .I know how it is difficult to run all of those things . I hope you will be a famous lawyer in BC.

  3. Good advice - especially about scheduling time. It's hard to do, but it makes all the difference.

  4. Yes, if they follow all these steps, they will achieve the goal.
